Monday 28 January 2013

Colour - Therapy

Are you happy? Remember those mood rings we used to have in primary school?
There was something so endearing as I placed all my trust in a ring to determine my current mood. I really believed these rings possessed some unexplainable magical power.
The way these rings work actually do have a magical air about them.

According to they work as follows:
'Modern mood jewelry is usually made from a flat strip of liquid crystals with a protective coating. The crystals respond to changes in temperature by twisting. The twisting changes their molecular structure, which alters the wavelengths of light that are absorbed or reflected. 'Wavelengths of light' is another way of saying 'color', so when the temperature of the liquid crystals changes, so does their color.' Pretty enchanting right!?

Heres a chart to brush up on your mood reading skills:

Colour is actually quite a powerful tool when determining your mood on a more scientific level. Psychologists use colour charts to determine the degree of happiness or depression patients are feeling. :

Through well considered placement within the house one can greatly increase your quality of life.

It can also benefit the homes' Feng shui (pronounced: feng-shoo-ee). 'Each color is an expression of one of the five feng shui elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. These elements are used in specific areas according to the feng shui energy map of your space' (

Colour-therapy seems to promise an easy transition into increasing your happiness! I even feel inspired to introduce some colour into my mostly black wardrobe.

**Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.**
            Pablo Picasso
